Tuesday 9 July 2019

Terek Sandpiper, Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB 9th July 2019

A Terek Sandpiper appeared at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB early evening. Identified by local birder Dave King, this is the third record for Cheshire & Wirral & a new bird for the UK for me.

I'm curently without transport, so was relieved local birder Colin Schofield offerd a lift to BMW. The Terek Sandpiper was on view as soon as we arrived about 8.30pm, feeding on the far side of the main scrape. There were a lot of folks present as we squeezed through & set up our gear. Although views were distant, they were continuous as the bird fed all along the edge of the mud. However, I found it impossible to get anything like a decent photo, so the bleary image above will have to do... Actual views through the 'scope were much better, especially as the last of the setting sun's rays illuminated the bird's plumage and bright yellow legs.

Many thanks to RSPB Warden Graham Jones for keeping the reserve open and thanks to Colin for enabling me to see this bird.

Previous records: 
1999 Frodsham, No.5 Tank, 26th to 27th April (G. Bellingham).
2009 Heswall Shore, 14th to 15th July (S. Hinde).

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome Neil. Glad it stuck around for us & we didn't wait for today!
